LOOK!-competition 2016

In the LOOK!-competition, a professional international jury will award the Best Film, in which the image lifts the story to a higher level in a striking or influential way. Awards will also be given to the Best Director Of Photography and the Best Screenplay. The UFK Press Award will be chosen by the Union of Film Critics.


The jury awarded '24 weeks' by director Zohra Berrached.

Astrid is a successful cabaret performer and her husband Lucas is her manager. They have a nine-year-old daughter and Astrid is expecting again. Astrid and Lucas learn that their unborn son has Down syndrome and is also struggling with a heart problem. They now face the dilemma of having a late-term abortion or facing an uncertain future. Astrid comes to the realisation that she alone must make this decision.

24 weeks


  • 'The Handmaiden' from Park Chan-wook
  • '24 weeks' from Anne Zohra Berrached
  • 'Death in Sarajevo' from Danis Tanovic
  • 'Le Confessioni' from Roberto Ando
  • 'Mahana' from Lee Tamahori
  • 'Special Night' from Peter Delpeut